Packaging and sustainability
FSC Card
As part of our core pillars, plastic has been removed from the brush pens packaging and replaced by FSC Card. Please find here the new packagings for brush pens.
See more on The Bank.
You can use this tool to quickly upload an order prepared in Microsoft Excel.
To get started, please download the appropriate proforma below to create your order.
Product code proforma Barcode proformaitem(s) were successfully found. item(s) were not recongnised.
You have used replaced code(s). See the upload results below for details.
You can read about our code changes here.
Please review all the items below and click the button when you are ready. Quantities will be rounded to meet multiple order quantities where appropriate.
items were successfully imported
Unfortunately, at this time, we were not able to add these items to your basket.
As part of our core pillars, plastic has been removed from the brush pens packaging and replaced by FSC Card. Please find here the new packagings for brush pens.
See more on The Bank.