Partner Communication: Colart UK announces launch of Selective Distribution and Authorised Retailer Network
November 2024
Communication: Colart UK announces launch of Selective Distribution and Authorised Retailer Network
At Colart UK Limited we are committed to you, the retail partners that have helped our company’s brands enthuse artists and creative thinkers for generations. To protect our brands and the integrity of our authorised distribution channels in the UK, we are writing to inform you that we are implementing a new Selective Distribution and Authorised Reseller Network in the UK in respect of Colart products and brands, including, but not limited to, Winsor & Newton, Lefranc Bourgeois, Liquitex, Conté a Paris, Reeves, Charbonnel and Snazaroo brands effective 1 January 2025.
Why are we implementing a Selective Distribution and Authorised Retailer Network?
Among other benefits, our Selective Distribution and Authorised Retailer Network will ensure that all sellers of our Products understand and take the steps necessary to ensure Product quality and provide the excellent consumer service that is integral to the reputation of our brands. In addition, our Selective Distribution and Authorised Retailer Network will assist us in identifying and taking action against unauthorised sellers that are harming you and our consumers through the sale of damaged, diverted, and otherwise poor-quality Products.
What do you need to do under our Selective Distribution and Authorised Retailer Network?
You must note and adhere to the obligations set out in the attached Authorised Retailer Policy with effect from 1 January 2025. The key features of the Authorised Retailer Policy are set out below.
a) Where and to Whom You May Sell Our Products: Colart is committed to maintaining the integrity of its authorised distribution channels and to stopping the diversion of Products to unauthorised sellers. To this end, the Authorised Retailer Policy requires that you sell our Products solely to consumers and not to any persons or entities who intend to re-sell Products. In addition, you may not market for sale or sell Products outside of the UK without our prior written consent.
b) Online Sales: The Authorised Retailer Policy restricts the manner in which you may sell our Products online. Specifically, if you wish to sell Products online, you must follow our Online Sales Guidelines for Permissible Public Websites (see Appendix A of the Authorised Retailer Policy) and limit online sales to your own proprietary website(s) unless you have received Colart’s prior written consent to sell elsewhere. You must not sell our Products as a third-party seller on marketplace websites such as Amazon, eBay and Etsy, without our prior written consent. Our rules regarding online sales will be strictly enforced.
c) Ensuring Product Quality and Consumer Satisfaction: To ensure that consumers who purchase our Products have the most optimal experience, the Authorised Retailer Policy outlines our expectations for the service you will provide to consumers. The Authorised Retailer Policy also describes certain steps you must take to maintain the quality of Products until they reach consumers
What do you need to do in relation to the website(s) you currently sell on or want to sell on?
The first step is to consider whether the website(s) you are selling on or want to sell on is/are a ‘Permissible Public Website’. This is defined in paragraph 3.1 of the Authorised Retailer Policy.
If any website you are selling on or want to sell on falls within this definition i.e. IS a ‘Permissible Public Website’, you do not need to do anything; you are automatically authorised to sell on the website(s) under our Authorised Retailer Policy.
If any website you are selling on or want to sell on does NOT fall within this definition, i.e. is NOT a ‘Permissible Public Website’, then in accordance with paragraph 3.2 of the Authorised Retailer Policy, you must cease these sales from 1 January 2025. If you do want to continue selling our Products on website(s) which is/are not a ‘Permissible Public Website from 1 January 2025 onwards, you must seek Colart’s prior written consent. If you do seek our prior written consent, we will provide an application form (called the ‘Application to Sell on a Non-Permissible Public Website’), together with an ‘Agreement to Sell on a Non-Permissible Public Website’ for you to review, complete and sign. We aim to write to you within 14 working days of the submission of your application to either approve or reject your sale of our Products on the website(s) which is/are not a ‘Permissible Public Website’. If we approve any such website(s), we will counter-sign the ‘Agreement to Sell on a Non-Permissible Public Website’ and if we reject, we will not counter-sign the agreement but inform you of the rejection.
Thank you for your careful attention to our new Authorised Retailer Policy and for your continued support of Colart and our Products. If you have any questions or wish to discuss further, please reach out to your respective Account Manager.
Yours faithfully,
Anthony Taylor
General Manager
Colart UK Ltd
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