Professional Acrylic Varnishes
The essential final coating for finished paintings, varnishes protect artworks from the build-up of dust and dirt which settle over a painting and could get trapped in the film, making it appear dull. Professional Acrylic varnishes are designed for use with Professional Acrylic. With a UV ingredient which improves lightfastness and protects from UV damage such as fading or colour shift, the varnishes may even be used to varnish non-lightfast media such as digital prints for example. Drying to an even finish, Professional Acrylic varnishes can be intermixed to achieve any sheen. Professional Acrylic Varnishes are also suitable for use on artwork painted in oils.Galeria Acrylic Varnishes are the perfect complement to Galeria acrylic colour; offering an excellent layer of protection, the varnishes are available in gloss, satin or matt finishes.It is important to wait until paintings are fully dry before varnishing. Thinly painted acrylic films can be vanished after 24 hours of drying; heavy or impasto layers may need up to a week of drying time before varnishing